2015 marks the 7th year Cape Nordic and Community Services is offering a Bill Koch Ski League after school cross country ski program for children in Kindergarten through Grade 5.  This is a non-competitive program for new and intermediate skiers.  The focus is on fun games and activities to improve balance and increase comfort on skis.   It is not intended to be instructional for the more experienced skier.  Sign-up is required via Community Services.  Volunteer parents are vital to our ability to accommodate as many children as possible.

2015 Dates/Locations:

 K-5th Graders 

BKYSL New England - please check the calendar page for other BKYSL events in Maine. 

Cancellations - We will hold the session with or without snow.  In the event there isn't snow, please plan on playing outside games in sneakers.. If the weather is extremely cold or rainy we will cancel via Community Services.   

Contact Information

Clothing - 


    Other options to acquire skis


Storage of Skis and Transportation -

Volunteers - If you can help, please contact Deb Hatton or Leslie Young (at Community Services)